Today’s Kids In Africa Do Not Know That Back In the Days You Could Be Beaten For Any Of The Following Reasons


Our African life in the olden days was awesome until we got punished for the following reasons;

  1. Not crying after being beaten
  2. Crying without being beaten
  3. Standing while the elders are seated
  4. Sitting while the elders stand
  5. Walking around aimlessly where the elders are seated.
  6. Replying back to an elder
  7. Not replying back to an elder
  8. Spending too much time without being beaten.
  9. Stumbling and falling when walking
  10. Not greeting visitors
  11. Eating food prepared for the visitors
  12. Crying to go with the visitors when the visitors are leaving
  13. Refusing to eat
  14. Coming back home ‘s home
  15. Generally being moody
  16. Generally being too excited
  17. Fighting with your age mate and losingAfrica
  18. Fighting with your age mate and winning
  19. Eating too slowly
  20. Eating too quickly
  21. Eating too much
  22. Sleeping while the elders had already woken up
  23. Looking at the visitors while they are eating

By Khaligraph Gortz


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