TangaTanga Brigade’s Strongly Advises DP Ruto Against This


The political Supremacy battle ahead of August 2022 is now attracting Kenyans across the country with majority of the Hustler Nation rallying behind DP Ruto’s camp.

A Section of leaders allied to Kieleweke Brigade have severally warned DP Ruto over trusting Mt Kenya leaders. The latest message came from Mutahi Ngunyi who has again and again stated that DP Ruto won’t make it in 2022 without Mt Kenya votes.

Hon. Raila Odinga tour in the coast region saw him dismantle the Hustler Nation. And according him,the Hustler Nation is made up government thieves. Raila Odinga told residents BBI was the only way to save Kenyans from corruption and those fighting corruption will support the document. According to Raila Odinga those fighting the BBI are the people behind looting funds from unsuspecting Kenyans.

In the video that was posted by Channel 7 news, MP Aisha Jumwa, Senator Susan Kihika and Ndindi Nyoro advised DP William Ruto not to showcase his anger to those abusing him. The Tangatanga legislators warned DP William Ruto stating that he will be a fool of he attacked back.

“Wacha waongee, wewe fanya kazi mungu amekupatia,” stated Aisha Jumwa. You can watch the full video here.

By Teenie


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