“Sikua Nimeokoka,”Kabi Wajesus Defends His Move On Denying The Baby He Sired With His Cousin?


Of deadbeats and straight up liars y’all, in recent months we have all been keeping close tabs to the wajesus family right after Edgar Obares exposee of Kabi allegedly siring a baby with his cousin.Yes you got that right ,his first cousin and to add salt to the injury not taking responsibility.

Well the long awaited DNA results are out and yes it’s 99.9 percent positive. The baby mamas friend that we only know by the name Dzendere as her Instagram username suggests updated this information taking time to thank well wishers and all the supporters that have come out to financially, emotionally and even legally help towards this revelation
Kabi wa jesus came out few minutes later to apparently own up his mistake and claims that all this happened before he was married and saved.

Ladies and gentlemen this is beside the point. As a firm believer in justice and a person that keeps up with news online ,I recall him going all out and making a video in which they were both crying with his wife and shouting foul play. If you will yell fire in a crowded theatre there better be a fire okay right?.

What do we take of that charade now,is Kabi wa jesus just a liar to add onto the deadbeat tag or did he just genuinely not know that he could have had a child because he didn’t leave any room for doubt,he was a hundred percent sure that the lady was out for clout almost as if he was sure he had never had sexual intercourse with his cousin.

Ina world where single mothers and father’s increase by the day and we are all pushing towards co parenting and what not, this is the indication of how difficult that is going to be because he is a public figure and he showed the general public that a man could abandon a lady full on with a baby and get away with it ,well almost get away with it .

I for one feel like the apology he sent out was half caked and he really wasn’t sorry, he is not sorry for the ridicule and public humiliation leave alone the emotional torture that mama Abby and Abby have gone through for the past few months while he was out galivanting and acting all holy.

While we all shouldn’t judge ,some people honestly ask for it .The said father went ahead to delete all the factual harsh comments and leave the ones he agreed with on his timeline making netizens even more annoyed.

Well, we all get out of this with a lesson, to take responsibility of our actions ,that once we make a mistake what we do to make it better is what matters and that sometimes even the underdog gets a win.


By Shelagh Benson


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