Back of young pensive woman standing by the sea at sunset

Taking care of yourself is something that is subjective and not an obligation. It is only something you can define and willing to do for yourself. Taking care of yourself is all about making choices with your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being in mind, knowing that it is important sometimes to sacrifice one need to honor another. Therefore, taking care of yourself is all about choosing what you want and need at that moment. It is also about saying no to judgments and saying yes to being the boss of your own body, life, and health


Taking care of yourself by getting organized. Getting organized is often the first step to becoming a healthier you because it allows you to figure out exactly what you need to do to take better care of yourself. A small change, like keeping a planner or a calendar on the fridge, can help you write down all your responsibilities and appointments while at the same time keeping your life a bit more organized. You can also create an area to keep keys, purses, backpacks, briefcases, and coats, and make sure they are ready to go for the next day.

  1. Living healthy

I take care of one’s self by living healthy. Living healthy involves eating healthy food that contains all the diets, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and avoiding drugs like bhang, cocaine, and alcohol. Moreover, I manage all levels of stress and ensure I do regular medical check-ups to know if I have any health complications that need immediate treatment.

  1. Practicing good hygiene

Practicing good hygiene is good for your own self. Good hygiene is important for social, medical, and psychological reasons in that it not only reduces the risk of illness but also improves the way others view you and how you view yourself. You can practice good hygiene by ensuring the environment you are staying in is conducive to your own health. It is essential to avoid places that may lead to diseases like cholera and typhoid.

  1. Trying to do something you enjoy doing every day.

Taking care of oneself is all about trying every day to do something that you really like doing, something that makes you happy as a person. I can enjoy myself by dancing, watching a favorite television show and movies, walking in the garden, and reading or painting.

  1. Seeing friends and finding ways to relax

Seeing friends is the best way to take care of one’s self. When you see a friend, you are able to build your sense of belonging. Moreover, it is important to join support groups to make new friends. Finding ways to relax is another way of taking care of yourself. Meditation, going for yoga, getting a massage, taking a bath, and walking in the woods are the best ways to relax.

In the end, give your own insight on why taking care of one’s self is very important.

My own insight is that taking care of one’s self is important because it encourages you to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself so that you can transmit good feelings to others. You cannot give to others what you don’t have yourself.

Taking care of one’s self is important because you will be able to pay adequate attention to your well-being; you are not considering your needs alone. You’re reinvigorating yourself so that you can be the best version of yourself for the people around you.

Taking care of yourself with meditation, yoga, or other exercise routines are just a few ways to practice self-care and relieve stress at the same time.

Author: Shadrack Wandera


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