Musician Kush Tracey Bashes A Fan Who Asked Her This


Teresia Ndoti Wambui better known to y’all as Kush Tracey has bashed a fan who asked her when she’s going to get married.

Tracey who is also a rapper, a musician, and a songwriter. She  Is also a Tv host at Switch Tv where she hosts Chat Spot alongside King Kaka’s Wife Nana Owiti and Joyce Maina.

Through her Instagram page, the ‘huezi Ni Dandia,’ hit maker gave her fans the room to ask her the questions they had in their heads on her insta stories. Her fans were curious to know about her personal life since she lives a secretive lifestyle.

One fan quickly asked her when she was planning on getting married.

The question must have hit some nerve because Kush sarcastically answeres,

‘What if I’ve chosen to stay celibate and serve the Lord? What if I already am? What if I was? What if I’m planning my wedding now? What if I’ve chosen to think about it in 10years when I’m ready?’ here’s the postoperanews1629548043665

However, she made it clear that even if she does not keep her life public, she is dating. She is in a happy place and at peace.

Why would she admit she’s dating then be so damn hurt when asked when she’s going to get married? It’s not our fault that the guy is not proposing 😂

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