Our University Students Are Suffering


University- a place of prestige; a place where doctors, teachers, pilots, engineers, and many more useful people in our society are manufactured has over the past years been seen as a place where all and sundry admire to be.

Teachers in high schools are always preparing their students and telling them how good the place is- they make it appear as if it is a paradise on Earth. It is true because any place education is offered and skills acquired is a place everyone should admire.

One thing they are failing to tell our learners is that besides all those good things, we also have challenges- very tough challenges. Education itself, the process involved and skill acquiring mode is not a walk in the park. This truth should be told plainly. Let them prepare both psychologically and financially.

This conclusion came after a long time of serve. These comrades are going for days without basic needs. Parents back at home are struggling, and our boys and girls in Universities are suffering. My call to the government is to kindly put-up measures to protect and save our children.

Like in the case of Moi University- the cases are so many it’s heartbreaking. Comrades are no longer attending classes. Some engage in activities that are totally different from what took them there. It is a cry, kindly let’s intervene.

Mathew Makari


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