
Gone is the generation when we could be true to our roots, today’s young men and women have completely been swallowed by untrue character. They hate each other, they betray each other, envy is their new normal. Indeed it is a failed generation.

We can’t blame digitality, neither should we inventions. We all were brainwashed that the world is growing, it seemed true, but how? Which kind of growth is that leads to collapse of morals, no respect, especially among the young people, what everyone young person is doing is what we say faking a lifestyle, which results into losing a lifetime.

In the recent past, we all have witnessed increased robbery, forgery and conning behaviors amongst our own children, this generation belongs to the snake lineage. Are they not afraid of the outcome? Or is it ignorance? They are nowhere to answer this. All they are doing is partying and abusing drugs.

Stupidity is our way, foolishness our mother and father. We no longer listen, what we do is judging, this generation pretends to be the most educated when in real we are misinformed.

We have always woken up to more disheartening news of death, majorly suicide. God forgive our generation; it comprises only of weak people who imagine they are strong. This generation must be shown to the right direction, direction of unity and common sense. Direction of truth and openness. We shall manage a few of us are heroes.

Through JIL Africa we shall save lives, we are going to reach out to thousands of poor souls. JIL Africa is a life changing platform, may God bless JIL Africa community.

Thanks to our director Edwin Simiyu. It is through your efforts that we are reaching out to the disturbed souls. I encourage everyone to participate in one way or another in making JIL Africa great, we nature skills, more of writing. As youth instead of wasting our lives let’s find something at JIL Africa, let’s grow our businesses through JIL Africa, let us grow network using JIL Africa .

By Mathew Makari



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