“Niliitumia, Nikamrejesha Kama Imechapa,” Karen Nyamu Describes “Him” As A Government Vehicle


It seems that drama will never end in vernacular singer Samidoh’s backyard.
Samifoh and his baby momma have trended for weeks and had a fall out after Karen Nyamu decided to embarrass Samidoh by sharing a video that showed him using vulgar language.

Samidoh’s last post on social media left many wondering whether the statement was directed to Karen Nyamu.

In the post in question, Samidoh denied being in love with a woman. He claimed that it was a lie for the woman to claim that he was in her heart.

Karen on her part, Few days ago she posted on her official facebook page saying “kana kila kitu ile kitu hakanaga ni haya”.

This post brought up different reaction from her fans some congratulating her and some reminding her of Samidoh. “Ukweli hakanaga haya ya kujua wanaume wa wenyewe ni gari ya government, utatumia na itabaki kuwa ya government” one of her fans commented. This brought up different reactions from other fans some making jokes from it.

“Ya serikali tunatumia vibaya tunarudisha ikiwa imechapa” Karen replied. This brought hilarious reaction from fans who were overwhelmed by her reply and some asking where was Samidoh to hear that.

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Well, I might understand she’s upset and all that, but as a woman of class and politics, she should never stoop so low

By Teenie


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