Residents of Mwivona village, Kakamega, have been left in shock after the body of a man was found hanging in a house “while holding a torch”. A woman who had gone to fetch water from Lumakanda stream found the body of Patrick Lukungu, 30, yesterday morning.
Marakusi sub-location assistant chief Edith Khakali said a woman drawing water at a nearby stream saw somebody who appeared to be standing inside a house that was under construction and became suspicious.
The administrator stated that when the woman moved closer, she discovered that the body had a rope round the neck tied to the rafters. The man’s father, Daniel Makokha, said he had spent the day well with his son and that he did not appear disturbed.
“We spent the day here constructing the house, which I had decided to put up for him. He did not exhibit any signs of being disturbed.” He said it was more shocking the deceased was holding a torch in the hand and appealed for thorough probe.
Mathew Makari